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Our Lender partners
A selection of our partner lenders

MyLoan.co.za is a loan comparison site, and by completing an application on our site your loan application will be sent to the lenders in our panel - but we have ensured that none of these lenders will draw a credit report on your name before you explicitly agree to it. The lenders in our panel include most of the main lenders in South Africa. Myloans.co.za is one of the most popular loan application services in South Africa. We currently service more than 25,000 loan applications monthly - and do our utmost to help our customers to find the financial freedom they request. If you represent a lender, and would wish to be included among our partners, please email us at info @ avicagroup.com

MyLoan cooperate with NCR compliant banks

Here is a selection of the financial institutions with whom we currently cooperate: